Messy Grace Small Group Video Study
Watch the 1st Episode below for FREE:
The Messy Grace line of resources is based on the book Messy Grace, a 2016 Christian Book Award finalist, by Caleb Kaltenbach. The resources combine Caleb's biblical teaching with powerful testimonies from Christians who have identified as LGBT or are same sex-attracted. As you listen to Caleb, Jackie Hill-Perry, Sam Allberry, and others, this four-episode series will inspire and empower Christ-followers to truly love all their LGBTQ neighbors without sacrificing truth. Everything needed to host a small group, including the Series DVD, Leaders Guide, and Journal is included in the small group version (or you can buy them separately). There is also a "Pastor's Kit" version complete with sermon transcripts and ideas for a church campaign.
Order your copy here:
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“Caleb Kaltenbach has an important message for everyone who shares a commitment to both grace and truth.”
—Jim Daly, president, Focus on the Family
“Messy Grace is pure truth spoken in love and will help you relate to every person in a way that pleases God.”
—Jack Graham, pastor, Prestonwood Baptist Church
“Real, relevant, and relational—Messy Grace steps right into the existing chasm between the Christian community and the LGBTQ community and provides the sound biblical direction about how the gospel is the grounds for how we can mend and connect in a Christ-honoring way.”
—Bryan Carter, senior pastor, Concord Church, Dallas, TX
“Caleb has communicated how Jesus answered the issues of messiness and my prayer is many will be helped and prepared to help those who face the challenges in our world in the future.”
—Douglas Crozier, CEO of The Solomon Foundation
“Caleb fluently speaks both the language and the emotion of both sides of the issue. And he desperately wants to help us stop picking sides and learn to love like Jesus. He is a great leader, writer, and friend—as well as a walking example of how love Messy Grace works.”
—Dr. Tim Harlow, senior pastor, Parkview Christian Church and author of What Made Jesus Mad?
“Grace is messy, and that’s OK. It’s possible to live in grace and truth. Christ’s love is higher, purer, and truer than the positions we take, or the sides we join. A rich, readable, provocative, and persuasive read.”
—Jenell Paris, Ph.D., professor of anthropology, Messiah College and author of The End of Sexual Identity
“Caleb Kaltenbach provides insightful guidance to churches and families in dealing with LGBTQ issues that goes beyond the worn-out platitudes that have characterized this discussion for some time.”
—Scott B. Rae, Ph.D., dean of faculty & professor of Christian Ethics, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University